Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Luminous Heart

"In luminous silence within the mind let prayer recollect itself, so as not to stray." 
--St. Ephraim the Syrian

I long to obtain a ܫܰܦܝܽܬ ܠܶܒܒܰ (shafyūt lebbā), a luminous heart.  This is a phrase often used by St. Ephraim the Syrian, highlighted particularly by the scholar Sebastian Brock.  Brock describes the concept of "luminosity" in Syriac Christianity as encompassing limpidity, lucidity, clarity, purity, transparency, serenity, and sincerity of heart.  My hope is to someday attain this luminosity in my own heart.

I have chosen this name for my new blog because it is the goal for how I wish to see the world: with luminous eyes (an aspect of having a luminous heart).  This blog is a companion for my blog Θησαυρος της εκκλησιας (Treasures of the Church).  While my other blog is more or less strictly theological, this blog will cover a much wider range of topics: it is more of a personal blog where I will share my opinions, rather than a theological blog where I stick more to giving information and explaining the Church's teachings. 

In sum, my goal for this new blog is to express my opinions on various subjects, while hopefully viewing everything through the luminous eyesight that flows from a luminous heart.  As I begin, I implore the help of the Triune God, including Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who told us, "Without Me, you can do nothing" (Jn 15:5).  I also ask for the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos and of all the saints.  Finally, I humbly beseech your prayers, my readers, that I may do the will of God and someday attain theosis.  I pray for you as well, that you may also attain everlasting life in Heaven with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, to Whom be glory now and always and forever and ever.  Amen.

St. Ephraim the Syrian, Harp of the Holy Spirit, pray for us!

Nota Bene: The quotation from St. Ephraim comes from his Hymns on the Faith XX.5, translated in Sebastian Brock's The Syriac Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual Life, p. 34.  The explanation of the concept of a "luminous heart" is derived from Sebastian Brock's Introduction to the same book, pp. xxviii-xxix.

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