Thursday, June 27, 2013

7 Quick Takes — Episode III: Trying Times

For numerous reasons, this week has been difficult for me.  On a basic level, I'm still adjusting to my new job, and training on so many new concepts and tasks can be draining.

Second, one of my close relatives has been hospitalized since Saturday.  Please pray for her.

Third, due especially to the second reason, I haven't been resting much this week, and I've sometimes been staying up later than planned to take care of various household tasks.  In short, I'm just exhausted.

I finished Brideshead Revisited during this week, and I ended up liking it, most especially for the ending.  The book was structured different than I expected, but the ending is what really makes it such an excellent Catholic work of literature, as it is usually known.  After finishing that, I began reading a pretty dark fantasy novel that is well-written and somewhat engaging (which is leagues beyond a lot of the other fantasy novels I've looked into recently).  I'm not certain yet what I'll think of it: I'm less than a third of the way through.

I've really been so tired this week that I'm not sure what else to write.  I recently bought some old long-term strategy games, but I haven't been able to play them much yet, so I don't know whether they're actually any good.

Rhubarb pie is an excellent dish (especially in an oat-nut crust), even if it's not made well.

In general, prayers for my family and for me are much appreciated.  I'm not really sure what else to say right now. 

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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